Loss of privacy, Emotional Abuse, Stalking, Bullying of Compromised People

Friday, January 15, 2010

Pointing someone out and announcing the details of their case-history is a shallow, despicable practice.

"THAT'S THE ONE WHO SAID he could control shooting stars..."


Here are two ignorant jerks pointing me out, when I've never talked to them in my
life, and making a creepy little announcement.
"That's the one who said someone could read her mind."
"What an ignoramus."

"How insanely stupid!"

"You said that guy could read your mind and that really says something about your I.Q." says an ignorant relative who was given this information against my will.

"That was none of your business," translates into some ludicrous idea that I have, not the basic human right that it is.

"You said that guy could read your mind...You're a pathological liar..." says a girl who is a total stranger who has approached me out of the clear blue.

"Where is your diploma," I ask, and she says, "I don't need one."

"YES YOU DO!" It is ignorant to think you can diagnose a total stranger.

She is somewhere in her twenties and she sounds like an ignorant little third-grader.

This episode has not just happened to me one time but at least
five times in seperate locations with seperate people who I don't even know!
THEY ALWAYS COME OUT OF NOWHERE with this announcement that,
"She said someone could read her mind," and then whoever they are with
has an ignorant little temper fit.

They are so ignorant, they are talking about my, "IQ."
I do NOT want to argue with them. I do NOT brake into anyone's private space to
start fights and on some level they know this.

They are so self-centered, they never admit that this gossip was

distributed against my will by people who pretended to be my friends.

Does this sound like a playground to you?

This ignorant hobby of pointing someone out and announcing their

psych history is actually being practiced by full-grown adults.

They say, "What an ignoramus," WHEN I AM JUST SITTING THERE SAYIING NOTHING TO THEM and they put their foot right in thier mouths.
I confront them that they are shallow and they respond,
"You think everyone else is screwed up."

Well excuse me, everyone else is not entitled to know my private case-history.
They are just not that important!

These idiots are always up in their twenties, thirties and older.

Announcing someone's case information to entertain your friends
involves an expert LIE because the victims of this hobby
did not agree to have their case history distributed to
people who they don't even know.

It involves even more lies because you can not possibly know all about someone

from an eight-syllable piece of gossip.

If you tried to explain to them that this is some one's, "private therapy information," they would not have a clue what you're talking about.

This guy who I had a mental bond with talked to me because of all the harrassment I was getting. He has told people it's true and there is a connection there.
The people who are bothering me never even knew him.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Animal Cruelty or Child Abuse? Animal welfare officer removes un-weaned kittens from the mother cat.

When I was around twelve, my mother falsely accused me of abusing the kittens that were in our house

and called the SPCA.  I told her I was not abusing them and she went deaf even  though she

knew I wouldn't lie.

Our cat had kittens that were not weened yet.

All my life I loved cats and especially loved kittens, so I was sitting there next to them all

and petting them and trying to get the kittens used to being touched.

Then I picked one up too high and it started screaming and I put it right back down next to

the mother cat. 

The next thing I knew, my mother was in the door way and said, "Are you abusing those

kittens?  I heard one of them scream."

I said, "I was't abusing them."

She said, "I'm going to call the SPCA," and would not listen to anything I said.

Within twenty minutes, the animal welfare officer was at our house

and he came in the room and just took the kittens with

no conversation and not apparent remorse, like someone had hypnotized him.

He did not even express concern about the mother cat and he did not

even look at the other pets in our house!!

The mother of these poor kittens was left at our house!

She was still nursing those poor kittens!!

Separating these kittens from the mother was an act of gross negligence.

So why did this man who took the kittens not talk the  mother cat as well?

I felt sorry for this poor mother cat when she came back and found her kittens gone!

She went around the house in distress and was trying to give birth to

more kittens by squatting down every place she went.

At the dinner table, with the cat in plain sight, I started yelling at my mother and she

just smiled and seemed all smug that she had made me angry. 

I hate to say it but animal welfare officers are no different from the

police and DHS workers!!


 and find out who is lying and who is telling the truth!!!

They have to check on the other pets someone has!

One time I listened to a worker of this same department talk in front of

our class at school and he said,

"Our job is not to worry about people. People can take care of themselves..."

Well I hate to say it but not they can't!!


If someone is abusing an animal, then something needs to be done with them.

A 12-year-old child who is abusing an animal needs to be seen by a good


I would never deliberately hurt an animal, but what if I had??

It could mean that I would grow up to be an animal abuser with no proper intervention!

For that reason, an animal control officer can not just go in someone's house

and take a litter of kittens without contacting the police and child-protective services!

He also should have taken the nursing mother cat with him so it did not

have to be seperated from her kittens!!

Animal welfare has an obligation to stop and talk with people when they


and in the case of un-weaned kittens, they have to take the mother cat as well.

They did not even ask us how many pets we had in the house.

I am wondering if ignorant practices like this are still common.



When the parents are slandering the children that's when someone needs to call DHS.

If someone could deliberately put these animals in this situation

they must not have any conscience and this problem does not get solved by taking

a litter of kittens away from their mother.

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